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Comments on "Fire, Hatred and Speed: By Jay Griffiths"

The article of Jay Griffiths gives me many insights about the philosophical, artistic and sociological origins of fascism. In many books of History, when trait "fascism" links immediately with a Nazi German and Italian fascism. But Jay does the link between fascism and futurism. the Futurism was an artistic movement, like referred Jay, there was exalt "the strong men, technology, despise weakness, violence, flight, selfishness, individualism, and fascism"

In the Karl Polanyi book's "The Great Transformation", he analyzed the fascism like consequence of the destruction of liberal regimen (Liberal State, Gold Standard, Economy of Market and Market Society); for Polanyi Fascism is a "movement" link with national structures like response to destruction to liberal regimen, Polanyi weren´t treat the futurism, he was interested in economic and sociological influences on fascism, but he cited some "libertarians" like Mises. In the future, many libertarians like Hayek criticized the governments for their responsibility in the destruction of liberal order, Mises and Hayek supported of liberal regimen that included wipeout of laws of labor and regulations that emerged like consequence the development of capitalism, the discourse of Hayek and Mises is a link between fascism, libertarianism(Hayek and Mises), and futurism, these movements were against of laws for protection for poor people, minorities in name of Freedom ( in the case of Fascism was in the name of "Nation"). Hayek and Mises in the future, supported the idea that Free Market and its laws are the unique way for ensuring Freedom, although Mises showed his position in use de violence for maintaining the liberal institutions from Marxists, such in this extract:

"It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. But though its policy has brought salvation for the moment, it is not of the kind which could promise continued success. Fascism was an emergency makeshift.
To view it as something more would be a fatal error"

Mises gave his approbation in the use the force to smash the Marxists movements, in this moment still Mises believe in democracy like way of maintain Liberal Order, but in the future his student Friedrich Hayek and other libertarians to abandon this idea. Mises did not see the development of Pinochet's Dictatorship, possibly he would have come to the same conclusions as Hayek. Here the extract:
""leans toward a liberal [i.e. libertarian] dictatorship rather than toward a democratic government devoid of liberalism"
Here begins to take shape the idea of Libertarian Dictatorship and Fascism, after other libertarians begin to see that Democracy with despise.

This link is very important, in the actual movement of Right Libertarianism, many libertarians have links with neo-Nazis movements and alt-right groups. Authors like Hans-Herman Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, and Rockwell support "paleolibertarism" have similarity with fascism, here one cite by Hoppe:

In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally, no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kid-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

The ideal world of libertarians have a strong similarity with the world of Hoppe, where there is a dictator o King have control and maintain an ideal of free-market, with a monarchic regimen there is not opposition to laws of Market and conservative values, without authoritarianism, how unions would be eliminatedd? Many laws in the Twenty century were carried out by workers and their unions, these laws after was annoying by Austrians and libertarians, in Democracy the union of workers have a possibility for enhancing their wages and labor conditions, in an autocratic regimen like the dream of libertarians there is no possibility of emerging of unions. For this reason, they hate the democracy, because the Democracy gives the power to poor people and workers, the result of these claims are laws of labor and Welfare State. 

The country that carried out the libertarian dream were Chile, with Pinochet like Dictator. This way ensure the maintenance principles of the free market without opposition from unions and civic organizations. Today, the Pinochet dream´s is in danger that be to rip up, because the social movements claim good jubilations and fair wages, the popular mobilizations are a menace of Pinochet legacy, or say in another way: Democracy is a menace to Free market. And the conservatives are aware of this. The nostalgics of Pinochet carry out a defense of Free Market and its "goodness".

The road to Fascism

Something we can learn these modern attempts of quit the bandages of "human Freedom" is rethinking our own sense of life and freedom. In the last chapter of the Polanyi book's called " The freedom in a complex society" Polanyi said:
"the planning, regulation and the dirigism they wanted to be exiled because consider them is a danger to freedom, They have used by staunch enemies of freedom to abolish totally the freedom. In consequence, the obstruction by liberals to all reform that implicated planning, regulation, and dirigism, has made it virtually inevitable the victory of fascism.
The privation of total freedom of Fascism is spoken with propriety, the result of liberal philosophy, it pretends that power and coaction constitute the evil, and the freedom demands that it not place in human society. But this is not possible, as is clearly evident in a complex society.
Inevitably come to conclusion that possibility the same freedom is in doubt. If the regulation is the unique way to strengthen and to extend of Freedom in a complex society, and make use of this mean is consequent contrary to Freedom, then that society cannot free.
As can be seen, the root this dilemma find the meaning of the freedom itself. the liberal economy directed our ideals in one wrong direction. This economy looked like approximate to the realization of intrinsically utopian hopes. No one society is possible without possible without there being power and coaction, nor a world where are no relations of force."

Here, Polanyi shows that liberal economy builds the road to fascism, by denial of realities of society, like power, coercion, and regulation. Some libertarians like Hoppe, Rothbard, Mises, and Hayek were not hypocrites about democracy, as they are many libertarians today, on the hand claim more repression to union, activists, workers and poor people and the other hand claim more Freedom for them. This double discourse hides their aims, that is similar al Hoppe's world. The neoliberals and new libertarians they do not believe in Democracy, Jason Brennan still have the dream of a libertarian world with a different way of Democracy called "Epistocracy"( Here, I do a review about his view, I agree with some points), Brennan declares himself like "libertarian", Libertarian and neoliberal politicians should at least stop being hypocritical about "defense of  democracy". At least Brennan and other libertarians are honest with skepticism about Democracy.

Futurism and Libertarianism

The libertarians have fascinated with technology, they believe that we overcome our humanity with technology, the examples what give Jay are awesome, some libertarians( or most of them) are transhumanists, the idea that through artifices we can replace every part of the human body, some engineers believe in one future where our mind will can transfer to a computer, the idea also came to Neuroscience, some drugs are marked like "nootropics" Metilfelinato or drugs use for Alzheimer disease are utilized like "enhancers the performance of brain" no matter the consequences   in the long run. But the libertarians transhumanists to face some obstacles: "The State, Society, and their own humanity" for this they resort to Libertarianism, Futurism, and Fascism because these are attempts for overcoming these obstacles for unlimited freedom. 

The rhetoric of Deus Invictus is powerful, give us a sense of Freedom and eternity, in this modern times the futurism and libertarianism are modern attempts resurrecting the Myth of Gilgamesh in his look for the eternal life. But in their research of infinity and unlimited freedom, the libertarians find like enemies to feminists, green activists, leftists, progressists, poor people, disabled, homeless and homosexuals. Maybe, because these people represent "the weakness" which must be eliminated of the Earth, in their misinterpretation of Darwinism. Also, the rhetoric of Deus Invictus gave them the hope of overcoming the limits of their own finite, without Darwinian competition and limits of State, Society and the human body, the dream of reach be Gods appeared like as a possibility.


But the question follow without response, How build a society with individual freedom and social justice? For response the claims of libertarians, we must rethink this question; because the libertarians have a response: A world without democracy with the totalitarianism of free market.

Polanyi treated to give  a response to this question; the Resignation is a force that makes us grow as adults, assumes the realities of the own existence and to act in consequence, the words of Polanyi are enough for this question:
" The resignation constituted always the source of force to men and their new hope. the men have accepted the reality of his death and have constituted over her, the sense of physical life. He resigned himself to the truth that there is a soul to lose, and this founded his freedom. In this age, have resigned to the reality of the society that meaning of end this freedom. But, once again, the life sprouts one the last resignation. On accepting without wailings the reality of society, the men found an indomitable courage and the strength enough for suppressing any injustice susceptible to suppress and fight against to the more minimum attack of freedom.Thereby, he maintains loyal to his huge assignment to getting more freedom for all, there is no reason to fear that power of the planning to oppose to him and destroy the freedom that found in the process of being achieved by his mediation. such is the sense of freedom in a complex society: gives us all certainty we need to live."

With this paragraph Polanyi end up seminal work "The Great Transformation", In currently society the Freedom and Free Will becomes a necessity in any society, I think that libertarians have to accept the revelation of Owen and Polanyi, the keyword is Resignation. This implicated give up to the cult to Deus Invictus in its modern version  ( idolatry by Technology, give up of the desire of unrestricted freedom, hyperindividualism, selfishness). As described Jay:

"it is Deus Invictus, the god unbound, who loathes any tether, shackle or constraint. Invictus was the epithet applied to the supreme deity Jupiter, Übergott, and to Mars, god of war, and to the empire-building Caesar. It is associated with the triumph of individualism and totalitarianism, as well as solar monism, a sky-god, singular as the Sun, and unbound from – and hostile to – the pluralities of the land. Deus Invictus drove the Italian Futurists’ demand to be free of the ‘yoke’ of the past and loosed from ties to the natural world"

The current libertarians are atheists, Ayn Rand's influence is seen in the new libertarianism, their current militant atheism is more hostile to Catholic Religion than current communists, For example, the actual Pope Francisco follows a doctrine near to the poor people, the libertarians loathe these actions in favor to the people. Perhaps, the actual contempt to Catholic religion from libertarians is that this religion has the sense of Resignation, something that in the Rand Doctrine's despise, the Resignation is something that also ties down the human being because Resignation forces us to give up selfish and individualistic utopias. 

Deus Invictus lacks resignation because is a powerful God, for that can be over about Nature, but the humankind will never be a God because the humankind has built by Nature and Society, the sense of individuality have not sense in other societies where there are not State and industrialized society, the emotions cannot be separate of Reason, one God like Deus Invictus does not need  emotions and society, the Humankind will still need these requirements if do not want to do away with Nature, Society and itself. 


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